Simple Lovely Email

“Simple and Beautiful email marketing” — Mashable

Reports & TrackingTrack real time results and know what your e-mail is really doing.

Reports & Tracking
  • No Red Herrings

    Get the facts with Mad Mimi's real time tracking. We'll tell you who opened it, who clicked which links and who forwarded your promotion on to friends. While tracking unsubscribes and bounced emails, Mad Mimi also re-organizes your lists appropriately, removing the hassle and saving you time.

  • Detecting In Style

    From our attractive pie charts to targeted individual information, you'll know exactly how each customer interacts with your gorgeous promotions in a clear, concise flow. Mad Mimi tracks everything in style.

  • No Mysteries

    It's easy to follow trends with Mad Mimi. Line up multiple promotions so you can see exactly what your readers love about them. With the big picture, it's easy to take care of the small details that make every promotion a real success!

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